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The Atmospheric Cliffe Pools

Oli bought a new camera for himself, and a shared Sigma 150-600mm Contemporary lens a couple of weeks ago, and has been itching to try it out more. We took it to the WWT in Barnes last weekend but we wanted to take it out somewhere a bit more unpredictable to really test them out. We chose Cliffe Pools. Why, I’m not sure, I half believe Oli picks these places out of a hat, but my god am I glad we went!

Cliffe Pools is an area near Rochester on the edge of the Thames which consists of a number of pools, unsurprisingly, with various trails and paths around them. At this time of year it houses various grebe, teal, pochard, heron, marsh harriers, kestrels and redshank, along with two that Oli and I have been searching for for a while now with little luck – bearded tits, and Oli’s holy grail, barn owls. These are just what I saw, so no doubt there is a lot more!

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